10 common mistakes that could get your TikTok account banned

August 23, 2024 -Practical guides

10 common mistakes that could get your TikTok account banned

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms, offering creators a space to showcase their creativity and reach a massive audience.

However, with its rise in popularity comes a strict set of community guidelines and rules. Violating these rules can lead to penalties, including getting your account banned.

To keep your account safe and thriving, it’s crucial to be aware of common mistakes that could put your account at risk. Here are 10 common mistakes that could get your TikTok account banned and how to avoid them.

1. Posting Inappropriate Content

TikTok has a zero-tolerance policy for explicit content. This includes nudity, sexual content, and graphic violence. Even if your intention is humorous or artistic, content that is deemed inappropriate by TikTok’s standards can lead to an immediate ban. Always ensure that your videos align with the platform’s community guidelines.

How to Avoid It:

  • Avoid posting content that could be seen as sexually suggestive or violent.

  • Double-check your content before posting, especially if it involves sensitive topics.

  • Use TikTok’s content filtering options to restrict certain viewers if necessary.

2. Engaging in Harassment or Bullying

Harassment and bullying are strictly prohibited on TikTok. This includes making derogatory comments, mocking others, or encouraging your followers to target someone. Even if you’re joking, TikTok’s algorithms can misinterpret your actions, leading to penalties.

How to Avoid It:

  • Treat all users with respect and kindness.

  • Think carefully before responding to negative comments or engaging in online arguments.

  • Report any bullying behavior you encounter instead of engaging in it.

3. Sharing Misleading or False Information

TikTok is cracking down on misinformation, especially related to public health, safety, and elections. Sharing false information, even unintentionally, can result in your content being removed or your account being banned.

How to Avoid It:

  • Fact-check any information you share, particularly if it’s related to current events or sensitive issues.

  • Avoid spreading rumors or unverified news.

  • If in doubt, refrain from posting or include a disclaimer.

4. Using Copyrighted Music or Content Without Permission

TikTok provides a vast library of music and sounds that you can use in your videos. However, using music or content that you don’t have the rights to can result in your videos being muted or removed, and repeated offenses can lead to a ban.

How to Avoid It:

  • Stick to TikTok’s provided music and sound effects.

  • If you want to use a specific piece of music, ensure it’s royalty-free or you have permission from the copyright holder.

  • Consider creating original content to avoid copyright issues altogether.

5. Promoting Dangerous or Illegal Activities

Promoting or participating in illegal or dangerous activities is a surefire way to get your account banned. This includes everything from drug use and underage drinking to reckless stunts that could encourage others to harm themselves.

How to Avoid It:

  • Steer clear of creating or sharing content that could be considered illegal or dangerous.

  • Don’t participate in or promote challenges that could result in injury.

  • Use your platform responsibly, and encourage others to do the same.

6. Spamming or Using Bots to Gain Followers

TikTok values authentic engagement, and using bots or participating in follow-for-follow schemes is against their terms of service. Accounts that engage in spammy behavior are often flagged and banned.

How to Avoid It:

  • Focus on organic growth by creating quality content that resonates with your audience.

  • Avoid participating in schemes that promise to quickly boost your followers or likes.

  • Engage genuinely with your followers to build a loyal community.

7. Impersonating Other Users

Impersonation is a serious offense on TikTok. Whether you’re pretending to be a celebrity, a friend, or another user, TikTok doesn’t tolerate it. This includes creating fake accounts or using someone else’s content without permission.

How to Avoid It:

  • Always represent yourself authentically on the platform.

  • Don’t use someone else’s name, images, or content without their permission.

  • If you’re doing a parody, make it clear that it’s meant to be humorous and not an actual impersonation.

8. Engaging in Hate Speech

Hate speech, which includes content that promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on attributes like race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, is strictly prohibited. TikTok takes these violations very seriously and will ban accounts that engage in this behavior.

How to Avoid It:

  • Be mindful of the language you use and the messages you share.

  • Avoid making jokes or comments that could be perceived as discriminatory or hateful.

  • Focus on spreading positivity and inclusivity through your content.

9. Violating Minor Safety Policies

TikTok is especially vigilant about protecting minors. This means that content featuring minors must be appropriate, and any form of exploitation or endangerment will result in a ban. Additionally, minors using the platform must adhere to age restrictions.

How to Avoid It:

  • If you include minors in your videos, ensure that the content is appropriate for all audiences.

  • Never post content that could be interpreted as exploiting or endangering a minor.

  • Follow TikTok’s guidelines for content involving minors and ensure they have parental consent.

10. Repeatedly Violating Community Guidelines

Sometimes, it’s not just a single infraction that leads to a ban, but a pattern of repeated violations. TikTok tracks your behavior on the platform, and consistent breaches of its community guidelines, even if they seem minor individually, can add up and result in your account being banned.

How to Avoid It:

  • Familiarize yourself with TikTok’s community guidelines and make sure all your content adheres to them.

  • If you receive warnings or have content removed, take them seriously and adjust your behavior accordingly.

  • Regularly review your past content to ensure it aligns with current guidelines.


TikTok can be an incredibly rewarding platform for creators, but it’s essential to play by the rules to avoid penalties or losing your account entirely. By understanding these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can protect your account and continue to grow your presence on the platform.

Always aim to create content that is not only engaging but also respectful and compliant with TikTok’s community standards. This way, you’ll ensure a long and successful journey on TikTok.

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